Agriturismo Borgo Floreani

In the heart of Friuli, nestled among the gentle slopes of the morainic hills, a few kilometers from Udine, an ancient rural village has become the ideal place in which to realize our dream: being able to work immersed in nature and in contact with people.
~Federica & Carlo

Our ‘Philosophy of Life‘ is to pass on to our children the passions acquired by our ancestors.
Passions for working in the vineyard, for hospitality and for good food.

Nella foto nonno 'TINOT' con i nostri Gioele e Martino durante i lavori esivi nel vigneto
Nella foto, il bisnonno 'OSTO' dell'antica tarttoria 'Treponti', con tutta la sua famiglia nei preparativi di un banchetto nuziale.

In our history “2004” takes on an important date

In that year we developed the idea of ​​uniting our families, each contributing with their own profession, to live a life in the countryside, a life dedicated to agriculture and hospitality.

Today we pay great attention to sustainability.

We combine ‘modernity and tradition’ in order to offer our guests the authenticity of the products and atmosphere of Borgo Floreani.

We are waiting for you!